Day Activity Participants Terms and Conditions

Our Commitment to Risk Management & Participant Safety

Participants Terms and Conditions:

At CRS Adventures we are committed to a process of learning through experiencing outdoor activities.  We recognise that hazards and risks are real, and that they are an inescapable part of the path to challenge, adventure and fun.  The safety of the participant is our primary concern, therefore to re-assure you we would like to make you aware of the following policy, this is designed to minimise potential hazards regarding a visit with CRS Adventures limited.

Our commitment to you is that risk is managed and minimised using the following best practice:

  • CRS Adventures is licensed under the Activity Centres (Young Persons Safety) Act 1995 as licensed to provide specified activities under the headings: Climbing, Caving, Trekking and Water Sports.  As an organisation we are also subject to assessment and inspections by National Bodies and independent organisations: The British mountaineering Council (BMC), Mountain Training, British Canoeing, Adventure Activity Licensing Authority (AALA), LOTC, Adventuremark, Technical Advisors for each Activity Sector and the Fire Service.
  • A rigorous assessment of the risks and safe working practice procedure is applied to all parts of the programme.
  • CRS Adventures staff are trained and monitored to ensure that they operate according to our safe working practices.
  • Our safety equipment will be in good working condition.
  • Hazards and risks will be identified and communicated to participants before each activity.
  • The programme will be monitored and if need be altered to reflect any emerging safety issues (e.g. adverse changes in the weather.)

Your commitment to us to help us manage and minimise the risks:

  • Participants will actively take responsibility for their own behaviour.
  • All activities are to be entered into willingly.
  • Participants must disclose any medical conditions.
  • Participants should understand the nature of the activities in which they are participating.
  • Participants agree to abide by the expertise and decisions of the CRS Adventures Staff.
  • Participants should be suitably attired, in accordance with the “activity clothing list”.


1.1. The Activities are challenging and participation is not without risk. All participants will receive detailed safety briefing from an instructor prior to The Activities commencing.

1.2. We reserve the right to refuse admittance to the Activities or to remove a participant from the Activities should it deem it necessary to do so. This includes a participant who does not comply with the safety rules, advice and the safety system or who is deemed to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

1.3. The Activities will remain running in most weather conditions but not in the case of lightning, where an indoor alternative will be offered such as indoor climbing.

1.4. All participants are required to complete a CRS Adventures medical consent form prior to taking part in any activity. In the case of under 18’s this must be completed by a parent/guardian. Failure to provide a completed form will result in the participant being refused, in this incidence the participant will not be given any refunds or compensation.

1.5. Although we do not discriminate against any medical needs it may be necessary for CRS Adventures to advise against an activity if we feel your safety would be put at risk due to a medical condition.

1.6. We recommend that pregnant women do not take part in any activity with CRS Adventures due to the associated risks.  However, we do not want to be discriminatory and ultimately the choice is yours. We are not medical experts and therefore suggest that you seek advice from your doctor on the matter. If you decide to proceed, you will need to declare that you are pregnant on your medical consent form and then sign a disclaimer stating that: “I have made CRS Adventures aware that I am pregnant and as a result CRS Adventures has recommended that I do not take part in any activities. However, I have decided to take part in the full knowledge that this may incur risks to both myself and my unborn child”.


2.1. It shall be the responsibility of all participants to ensure that they are dressed appropriately, and we advise participants to wear clothing appropriate for the weather conditions and which they do not mind getting damaged.

2.2. CRS Adventures will provide all participants with a clothing list which will detail what clothing restrictions apply to the activities booked.

2.3. CRS Adventures and River Dart Country Park accept NO responsibility for any damage to’ or theft of, personal effects or clothing of house residents.

Statement of Risk

You acknowledge and realise the inherent risks and dangers associated with the activities at CRS Adventures. Including the possibility of serious physical and/or mental trauma or injury or death that may result from participation in such activities, which include, but are not limited to outdoor adventurous activities.

Statement of Physical Ability

You should ensure that the participant has an adequate level of fitness and a certain level of confidence in the activity they are taking part in. If you have any concerns please contact CRS Adventures to discuss on 01364 653444


You agree that:

  • Under the Data Protection Act, you authorise CRS Adventures to “file” the information on this form for the sole use of this visit.
  • In the event of an accident or any damage, loss injury or death you acknowledge that the company will not be liable for any direct or indirect loss, damage or injury arising from or in connection with the activities (except for death or personal injury caused by the company’s negligence) and I waiver all and any claims against the company in this respect.

CRS Adventures Ltd reserves the rights to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time.

Updated 28th January 2020